Understanding Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia
OPD Points: 5
Learn more about reading, the cognitive processes involved in reading and dyslexia.
Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:
The British Dyslexia Association estimates that approximately 10% of the population is affected by dyslexia, indicating that roughly two to three learners in each class of thirty are likely to be dyslexic. It is therefore essential that educators, health professionals and parents are equipped to identify, support and advocate for these learners.This presentation will explore the underlying cognitive processes affected by dyslexia, the subsequent impact on the individual’s learning as well as the observable manifestations of the difficulty. It will also look as some myths surrounding dyslexia
Presenter / Provider:
Kalie Naidoo
Presenter Qualifications:
Kalie Naidoo is a clinical psychologist and social worker with multi-sectoral experience in reaching children and their families. She has extensive educational experience in service delivery and training of educators and health practitioners in early childhood education, literacy, and dyslexia. Her development work expertise ranges from program development, training in psycho-social support, curriculum development and training for early childhood development (ECD) practitioners, facilitating support groups for home based careers, parents, children; project management, and research and evaluation skills. Kalie presently works part time as the course leader for Bellavista SHARE’s program in literacy and dyslexia, and part time as a clinician at the WITS Donald Gordon Medical Center.