PD2: Reflections and responses to the climate reality
OPD Points: 5
Building on PSC’s Introductory Webinar, PD1: Engaging with climate change and eco-distress, this second workshop in the series will support the development of presence to be with the uncertainty and discomfort of the climate crisis in those they work with.
Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:
In this 3 hour workshop, participants will learn about PSC’s approach to eco-distress by exploring their own response to the climate reality and experience opportunities for self-care. The implications of this experiential learning for professional practice will also be explored.
Presenter / Provider:
Carol Ride
Presenter Qualifications:
Carol has worked as a psychologist in the field of couple therapy, as a therapist, supervisor and trainer. Her shift to work in the field of climate change was motivated by the urgent need to contribute to engaging and supporting people psychologically in responding to the unfolding climate crisis. Carol is the Founder of Psychology for a Safe Climate, and held the role of President, then Director, until late 2023. She regularly facilitates workshops for PSC and speaks publicly on climate psychology.
Start / End Date
September 21, 2024
September 21, 2024
Course Duration:
Course Hours:
3 hours
Registration Instructions:
PSC members get 20% off the cost of registration by adding the member discount code at the checkout.
If you are a PSC member and have forgotten your member discount code, log into the member Hub to find it here.