Course Overview:Belonging and connection are influenced by birth order. Looking back at the very beginnings of the family’s formation, and early patterns between siblings and with parents and caregivers can create healthy re-parenting opportunities.This workshop will help counsellors and allied practitioners identify the effect of birth order on relational patterns in the children and parents they work with, as well as with the adult clients who struggle with family of origin issues.This knowledge can enhance the usual genogram drawing at intake, and can be a catalyst for immediate change, and making sense of attachment needs.The research of Alfred Adler and contemporary psychotherapists provides the theoretical foundation of the workshop around how we make sense of birth order, and its implications in family dynamics, parenting patterns, sibling rivalry and personality tendencies. (if you could source any current or even not so current research studies around this – all the better! This can also inform patterns in transference and countertransference. “Does birth order explain everything?No, but it has always proved to be a helpful toolwhen clients understand it and apply it to their lives.”Kevin Leman, Psychologist and author This will be a fully interactive and dynamic learning process where participants will be sharing deindentified stories from their cases and own family experiences, and listening and supporting others to find ways to understand this birth order phenomena and explore the impact of sibling birth order in their client work.
Birth Order: Understanding belonging and connection, rivalry and resentment in families
OPD Points: 5
Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:
What ideas are explored?· Research into the typical influences and outcomes of birth order· Examples of clinical cases, famous families around birth order relevance· The relationship dynamics evolving when a family forms· Exploring attributes of first, second, youngest, last-born and the only child· Other factors influencing family dynamics and the development of personalities· Possible suggestions for parents where there is sibling rivalry or other problems· How we try to secure our place of belonging in a family
Presenter / Provider:
Kim Billington
Presenter Qualifications:
Kim enjoys passing forward her ever-evolving counselling skills and knowledge, supporting and inspiring practitioners to discover their own style and ways to connect with their clients.Kim’s current work includes child and family counselling, co-facilitating Men’s Behaviour Change programs and clinical supervising at Monash University.Methods and tools in Kim’s therapeutic toolbox include, Mindfulness, Narrative Therapy, ACT, Creative Expressive Arts, Existential Therapy, befriending emotions using metaphors and storytelling, Tree of Life work and creative timelines to understand the life-long emergence of identity.Kim has been facilitating groups and workshops about storytelling, parenting, emotional intelligence (ie.Tuning Into Kids) and creative therapeutic work for over 25 years.
Start / End Date
October 17, 2024
October 17, 2024
Course Duration:
Course Hours:
3 hours