Dee Hardy
The ACA has transitioned from an incorporated association to a Public Company Limited by Guarantee under the Corporations Act 2001.
This transition was an important strategic decision, voted in by members at the 2023 Annual General Meeting, aimed at enhancing the ACA’s governance, sustainability, and operational capabilities, allowing us to better serve our counsellors across Australia.
ACA is governed by a Board and supported by various Committees. Our commitment to effective governance ensures that the ACA operates with integrity and responsiveness to the evolving needs of the counselling profession. Our Committees play pivotal roles in steering the direction of our initiatives and activities and include;
ACA Board Committee
Accreditation Committee
Eligibility: Holds Ordinary Membership and Registration Level 3 or 4
Ethics & Professional Standards Commitee
Eligibility: Holds Ordinary Membership and Registration Level 3 or 4
The ACA Constitution is an essential document outlining the principles and guidelines that govern our operations and community, ensuring transparency, ethical conduct, and adherence to the highest standards in the counselling profession.