Registered Counsellor
Majella Brassil
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After a rewarding nursing career, and retraining as a counsellor, I establish a private practice. The nursing career has provided many transferrable skills to Counselling such as compassion, communication, and collaboration. This experience gives me insight into individuals and families who may be experiencing grief and loss from a health perspective.I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and a Master of Counselling with a specialization in child, youth, and family therapy, which permits me to be an ACA Level 2 practitioner and it enables me to work towards ACA Level 3 & 4 recognition over time.The research component of the Master of Counselling, in collaboration with a Professor from the University of Southern Queensland University, was associated with their published book and online course on Trauma-Informed Behaviour Support (TIBS) practices. I conducted semi-structured interviews with teachers from a primary school to ”Explore the Use of Open Education Resources in Implementing Trauma-Informed Behaviour Support Practices”. This research has given me knowledge of trauma behaviour within a school. My nursing career exposed me to a variety of trauma, grief, and loss events and my experience of working as a child safety officer gave me insight into working collaboratively with stakeholders to support families in crisis to achieve goal-related outcomes whilst maintaining the safety of the child. In addition, I am registered with the Australian Childhood Foundation Trauma ACF learning community to maintain my knowledge.I have completed the crisis support worker course, domestic and family violence course, the psychological first aid course, and the suicide LivingWorks Start program with Lifeline. I have completed the Grief and Loss course with Griefline, and I volunteer as a crisis support worker for Lifeline and Griefline on the phone and call-back service. I was employed casually with Uniting Care Community Recovery team. My exposure to the South Eastern Queensland floods, allowed me to deliver psychological first aid at hubs and work collaboratively with other agencies to deliver psychological first aid to individuals in their homes. My telecommunication work with Lifeline and Griefline permits me to support individuals with issues of concern. I am able to work collaboratively with people to aid them to a place of wellbeing and a position of curiosity about themselves as they explore their inner abilities to find solutions or strategies for their concerns.I have the lived experience of my family living with neurodiversity. This experience provides me with the depth and breadth to understand the concerns that children, youth, and families with a disability may experience. I was encouraged to complete a Graduate Certificate in Gifted and Talented Education to support my children’s needs whilst they traversed the education system and life in general. Whilst I don’t always get it right, I continue to engage in reflective practice from the experiences so that I can understand myself and others through this personal life journey.I have completed the Circle of Security Facilitator (COSF) course which is underpinned by attachment theory. I plan to incorporate COS into my work to help families repair the rupture in their relationships with their young children. I have completed the Peaceful Kids program and I am a facilitator for this program. Peaceful Kids is a preventative program aiming to build resilience with Mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is part of the positive psychology domain. There is a plethora of evidence that identifies the positive neurobiological changes an individual experiences due to neuroplasticity when they engage in continuous, respectful Mindfulness activities.Watch this space, over the coming year I aim to complete the certificate in Mindfulness and Wellbeing for Children allowing me to be registered with Meditation Australia and the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies. To advance my knowledge in grief and loss for children I will be engaging with the National Centre for Childhood Grief program. In addition, I am working towards completing training with the Queensland Institute of Play Therapy so I am able to register as a Play therapist and incorporate this skill into counselling.Watch this space, over the coming year I aim to complete the certificate in Mindfulness and Wellbeing for Children allowing me to be registered with Meditation Australia and the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies. To advance my knowledge in grief and loss for children I am undertaking a course with National Centre for Childhood Grief. In addition, I am working towards completing training with the Queensland Institute of Play Therapy so I am able to register as a Play therapist and incorporate this skill into counselling. Finally, in the near future, we plan to run teenage groups in the evening for D&D and games night.initially for teenagers with ASD and ADHD.
• Bachelor of Psychological Science
• Bachelor of Science Nursing
• Graduate Certificate of Gifted and Talented
• Master of Counselling
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