Registered Counsellor
Rochelle Adams
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Rochelle is a counsellor, educator, family coach and sort after presenter along with being a business owner and mum to two fabulous kids. She began supporting families and children in Brisbane Queensland as a teacher in 2010. Fuelled by her passion to do more and help kids and their families Rochelle gained her Masters in Guidance and Counselling while continuing to teach. She has worked as a educational counsellor for over 8 years including a significant stint on the tip of Cape York where she gained a personal passion to support indiginous young people and families. Rochelle has a deep understanding of the challenges that come with working with kids both professionally and as a mum of two little ones (ages 4 and 1). Motivated by her own mothering mistakes and frustrations and the growing complexities of the children and families she supports, Rochelle continues to apply herself to researching and studying the industry leaders in the fields of behaviour change, ADHD, ODD and other disabilities, neuroplasticity, trauma, shame, leadership, growth mindset and grit (to name a few). She is currently studying under Dr Bruce Perry's Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics.Now based on the Gold Coast in Queensland Austraila Rochelle uses her experience as a counsellor and educator to support individuals and families throughout Australia and the world. Motivated by working smarter she delights in supporting people to find simple strategies that transform lives from the inside out. ​
• Master of Educational Studies In Guidance and Counselling 11/12/2013 – UQ
• Grad Dip Education
• BA Communication, Marketing and Management
• @raisinglegendsofficial
• Clifton Strengths
• Amen Clinics
• Amen Clinics
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