Registered Counsellor
Simon Taylor
Languages Spoken:
- English
Counsellor, part time. Enjoying family with adult children work, family relationships, crisis.
Retired Registered Engineer MIEAust, GM, CEO, International Oil and Gas.
Bridge House Manager, present part time — half way house for returning addicts and prison paroles — helping them re-enter society.
Accredited LifeLine Crisis Supporter, present part time. LL Mentor new CS, LL Site Trainer (mine sites and prisons) in crisis spotting and associated mentoring skill sets.
There are a lot of ways you can need help. A human being is a complex living soul, full of feelings, emotions, pressures, stress, thoughts, desires, needs, ambition. Or one of emptiness.
Generally, you are not alone – you have complex relationships to go with your personal self…. You are designed for relationship with your fellow human, but…. things can sometimes get messy.
But maybe you are feeling alone, lost, broken, desperate, overwhelmed by isolation, and your life is unravelling….
Or maybe you just lost someone or something that was significant in your life, and your grief, your shock, the unfolding trauma from the event, is just too much to bear …
Or maybe your family is dysfunctional, the adult kids have stopped connecting, but still need parenting, need love. You need love. Everything is confrontational, Nobody wins …
Or maybe your work consumes you and your most loved one(s) have severed the cord. The bond is broken, and you woke up to a new reality …
Or maybe you’re striving at work, and the roadblocks are unbearable, and your coping strategies are going to destroy you….
Or…. Whatever…. And your coping strategies… really ….
It’s all about you and what you need right now.
So how is your life ? What is your reality ? Who are you ?
Possibilities of change. What’s stopping you?
Here to Help!! Face to face first. (Perth WA). Then maybe zoom or teams meetings.
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