Registered Counsellor
Tulin Kocacik
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Tulin has expertise in working therapeutically with children and families who present with complex and challenging needs, trauma, attachment and mental health concerns. Tulin is also well experienced in working collaboratively with multiple agencies and professionals that are involved in the child and family’s life.Tulin is equally passionate about building and strengthening the parent’s capacity and strengths to continue to do the hardest job that is out there – parenting. Tulin’s parent child relationship work (otherwise known as Filial Therapy) aims to provide a sense of belonging for those families who are in need of additional support. The aim of Filial Therapy is to increase parenting capacity, enhance parent and child relationships through therapeutic interactions during play.Tulin guides parents to know how to support their child to regulate their emotions, increase problem solving strategies & coping strategies, and increase feelings of self-worth and confidence all of which contribute to the optimal growth and development of the child.Sometimes because of the parents’ early experiences with their own parents, they may have difficulties setting boundaries with their kids, or they may be overprotective, neglectful, or abusive or too distant or too intrusive. Parents’ emotional problems can affect their children’s emotional, physical and psychological development. For instance, a parent with depression, without knowing or intending to, may neglect their child’s needs for connection and love. This can result in having a child with emotional and behavioural problems.Tulin offers parents or caregivers EMDR , (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy )is a treatment method aimed at resolving emotional difficulties caused by disturbing, difficult, or frightening life experiences.Play provides a safe psychological distance from a child’s problems and allows the expression of thoughts and feelings. Understanding and making sense of your child’s play can help deepen your understanding of your child’s world. A child will always ask you to play when they require your understanding and connection: they are asking you to be along-side them so they can share and make sense of their world with you while they feel safe and secure.
• Diploma of Counselling 28/07/2017 – ACAP
• Bachelor of Psychological Science 13/05/2020 – ACAP
• Master of Social Work (Qualified)
• Play Therapy Clinical Program
• ACWA Full Membership
• AASW Membership
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