Exploring Practitioner Perspectives on Goal Setting in Workplace Injury and Illness Rehabilitation

What is this research about?

Goal setting is pivotal in rehabilitation and has been proven to enhance patients’/clients’ health-related quality of life, self-efficacy, and motivation to engage in rehabilitation. However, improperly set goals can increase stress, pressure, anxiety, and perceptions of failure. Workplace injury and illnesses present a distinct and intricate recovery environment with greater pressures and stressors than standard rehabilitation. Therefore, this project aims to explore the perspectives, knowledge, practices, and experiences of practitioners treating Australian workers from workplace injuries, examining the prevalence of goal setting and the need for tailored approaches across various injury types.

What does this research involve?

You will complete a 15-minute anonymous online survey through Qualtrics. At the end of the survey, you can express interest in participating in a follow-up interview. The interview will be conducted online through Zoom or Teams for approximately 60 minutes.

What are the benefits of participating in this research?

Participating in this research will allow you to reflect on core aspects of your work and the scope to prompt further learning about goal setting with workplace injury and illness patients/clients. Additionally, your contribution will help us understand and describe practitioners’ perspectives, knowledge, experiences, and practices when treating workplace injury and illness patients/clients, thus contributing to further knowledge in this field, which will ultimately benefit a variety of practitioners and individuals impacted by a workplace injury or illness.

If you have any enquiries about this research project, please get in touch with Grace or Christian on the details below:

A/Prof Christian Swann: christian.swann@scu.edu.au 

Miss Grace Redden: g.redden.10@scu.edu.au 

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