Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Step-by-StepProgram InformationObjectivesUse the six core processes of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to help clients advance psychological flexibility.Incorporate the role of psychological flexibility in ACT and list clinical techniques for increasing it.Utilize acceptance approaches with avoidance problems to strengthen a client’s willingness to have emotions.Implement clinical skills for helping clients to defuse from language obstacles.Utilize exercises in therapy with clients like, contacting the present moment, to aid clients with developing flexibility to engage in the present moment and let go of their struggles.Analyze how a client’s unclarified values can lead to clinical problems in relation to assessment and treatment planning.Integrate ACT into different therapeutic styles and methods as an approach to managing symptoms.Create committed action plans for clients with anxiety disorders to improve level of functioning.Use metaphors to undermine language-based avoidance repertoires to improve client engagement.Implement emotional and behavioral willingness techniques with clients to reduce experiential avoidance.Integrate ACT techniques into treatment for specific disorders including depression, anxiety, trauma and the personality disorders.Demonstrate how ACT incorporates elements of exposure therapy to reduce experiential avoidance.Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): In-Session Videos narrated by Dr. Steven C. HayesProgram InformationObjectivesSession 1: Facing the StruggleApply the core theory and principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) used in clinical practice.Analyze how “creative hopelessness” lays the groundwork for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).Session 2: Control & AcceptancePrepare clients to accept their thoughts and feelings, and modify their need to control or eliminate them.Integrate ACT “eyes closed” techniques into your sessions with powerful effects.Session 3: Cognitive DefusionApply cognitive defusion used within clinical practice.Anticipate common pitfalls with cognitive defusion, and apply methods for recognizing and remedying them.Session 4: Mindfulness, Self & Contact with the Present MomentFormulate “eyes-closed” exercises you can integrate into clinical practice.Generate examples of how to facilitate awareness of the “observing self” with clients.Session 5: Values & ActionDiscriminate between the ACT concepts of values and goalsModify ACT techniques for increased effectiveness with adolescentsSession 6: Psychological FlexibilityArticulate ways to adapt ACT in brief-therapy settings and situations.Formulate how to help clients get the most benefit from exposure therapy within the ACT Paradigm.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Intensive Online Course
OPD Points: 10
Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:
MODULE 1: ACT Step-by-StepIn Module 1, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles and processes involved in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Daniel (D.J.) Moran will guide you step-by-step through the tenets of the ACT Model:Acceptance of what we cannot control, and why it's important!Cognitive defusion and looking at thoughts rather than from thoughts.Perspective-Taking and understanding the “Self” in ACT.Mindfulness and why being here-and-now in the present is critical.Values, beliefs, and the importance in therapy and life.Committed action and integrating evidence-based therapy with ACT.Through D.J.'s expert, insightful commentary, case studies, and video examples, you'll develop highly practical, evidence-based skills, and learn powerful assessment tools, case conceptualization techniques, and proven clinical strategies that you can immediately apply in your practice. “D.J. changed the way I do therapy and my patients are better for it. He has a knack for making ACT very practical and user-friendly.”Rosemarie L. (London, UK) MODULE 2: In-Session DemonstrationsIn Module 2, Steven C. Hayes will narrate and guide you through the application of ACT in client therapy sessions. Throughout the module, you'll see Hayes and other leading ACT experts demonstrate their techniques and interventions, including: Ann Bailey-Ciarrochi, JoAnne Dahl, Rainer Sonntag, Kirk Strosahl, Robyn Walser, Rikard Wicksell, and Kelly Wilson.