Advance your knowledge of family dispute resolution, and enhance your skills for working with couples around property and financial matters in family law.This advanced, online workshop is suitable for accredited family dispute resolution (FDR) practitioners (FDRPs) with experience in property matters. You’ll gain specialised skills to facilitate dispute resolution involving property and financial matters in a family law setting. The training includes interactive discussions and case scenarios where you can put your knowledge into practice. Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) holds specialised expertise in the field of FDR for property and financial matters. We have more than 40 years of experience supporting families through mediation and FDR, and 25 years of experience providing professional training in this area.
Advanced Training in Property and Financial Matters in Family Dispute Resolution Practice
OPD Points: 5
Learning outcomesAt the end of this workshop, you’ll be able to: demonstrate an understanding of best practice approaches for FDRPs working with complex property and financial matters discuss key considerations for working with property and financial matters in family law apply nuanced skills for working with complex property and financial matters in FDR.Ideal forAccredited FDRPs with experience in property matters.Please note: This session assumes a level of knowledge and experience and is not suitable for practitioners with little to no experience of property FDR.
Half-day, online workshop from 9:30am to 1:00pm (AEST).This online, interactive workshop will be delivered live via Zoom video-conferencing. Further information will be provided upon registration.
Presenter / Provider:
Presenter Qualifications:
- RAV Training
- 03 8573 2222