Certificate Initiatic Art Therapy Stream 2 2024
OPD Points: 10
Professional Development to enable therapists, counsellors, social workers, teachers, psychologists, community services practitioners etc to incorporate Sensorimotor Art Therapy techniques into their modes of practice.These sessions are designed to:? Train the awareness of the senses? Learn to listen? Learn to see? Acquire cognitive, emotional and intuitive understanding of the visual language? Perceive visual images as conscious and unconscious acts of communication? Gain a wide range of personal experience with the imagery and dynamics of archetypes ? Perceive others drawing and to understand their non-verbal messages? Learn non-verbal intervention skills through Use of varying art materialsSetting and timing of a processGraphic means? Perceive psycho-somatic patterns of communication? Combine sensorimotor approaches with art psychotherapy? Understand the relationship between body, mind and spirit.The three weekends are designed to equip participants with fundamental skills to work with art making processes in a therapeutic way.Approved for ACA opd points, only.
Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:
The course is delivered in two streams, one for the Americas time zone and one for the European time zone. Australian/NZ/Asian participants can choose which time frame best suits their needs.Delivered in 3 modules over 6 months and covering the following areas:Module 1 Family art therapy (Webinar x 3 six hour days days)Module 2 Symbols and Guided Imagery (Webinar x 3 six hour days)Module 3 Mandalas as Resources for Trauma-Informed Interventions (Webinar x 3 six hour days)Â
Presenter / Provider:
Chris Storm/Institute for Sensorimotor Art Therapy
Presenter Qualifications:
Chris has extensive experience in both training and teaching and has supported the learning of community service and therapy practitioners for over 25 years both as a TAFE teacher and as the senior faculty member of the Institute for Sensorimotor Art Therapy. She currently is a profession member of ANZACATA, and ACA and a registered clinical member of PACFA. In addition she is a registered supervisor for both ACA and ANZACATA, and supervises a broad range of professions in the therapy and community services sector.