Clinical Supervision Services Certificate of Attainment in Professional Supervision: July 2025
OPD Points: 10
This course is recongised as an ACA Approved Supervisor course for those wishing to apply to ACA for registration as an ACA recognised supervisor. Successful completion of this course provides participants with the Clinical Supervision Services Certificate of Attainment in Professional Supervision.
The aim of this course is to provide a framework for conducting and evaluating effective clinical supervision using a competency based framework incorporating reflective practice. Participants will develop the necessary skills for setting up a rewarding clinical supervision relationship to enhance supervisee learning and skill development, considering the systemic issues of their workplace/team and client group.
How the course is structured:
Part 1: E-Supervision workbook with self-assessment and learning tasks (online)
Part 2: 2-day Interactive skills based workshop (face to face)
Part 3: 1-day Assessment of Competency (conducting a supervision session – live feedback and report) (face to face)
Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:
Part 1:Â Supervision e-Workbook
Prior to attending the 2-day workshop participants are provided with a Supervision e-Workbook covering core preparatory readings, learning resources, links to clinical supervision training videos and podcast lectures.  As a participant of this Clinical Supervisor course you will be expected to work through and complete all learning and the self-assessment tasks. This workbook is an invaluable guide that covers how to set up, conduct and evaluate effective supervision. The e-Workbook is a comprehensive easy to read resource with links to videos, readings, supervision resources and handouts. It is equivalent to 40 hours continuing professional development.
Topics include:
Chapter 1:Â Overview of Supervision
Chapter 2:Â Models of Clinical Supervision
Chapter 3:Â Preparing for Supervision
Chapter 4:Â Methods and Techniques
Chapter 5:Â Reflective Practice
Chapter 6:Â Ethical Issues
Chapter 7:Â Evaluation and feedback.
Part 1:Â Supervision e-Workbook
Prior to attending the 2-day workshop participants are provided with a Supervision e-Workbook covering core preparatory readings, learning resources, links to clinical supervision training videos and podcast lectures.  As a participant of this Clinical Supervisor course you will be expected to work through and complete all learning and the self-assessment tasks. This workbook is an invaluable guide that covers how to set up, conduct and evaluate effective supervision. Topics covered in the E-workbook include:
Chapter 1:Â Overview of Supervision
Chapter 2:Â Models of Clinical Supervision
Chapter 3:Â Preparing for Supervision
Chapter 4:Â Methods and Techniques
Chapter 5:Â Reflective Practice
Chapter 6:Â Ethical Issues
Chapter 7:Â Evaluation and feedback.
Part 2: 2 day workshop (31 March 2025 – 1 April 2025) – Sydney
At the completion of the workshop, participants should be able to:- understand the key concepts involved in setting up and maintaining a collaborative clinical supervision relationship, using evidence based practice and considering professional practice and workplace guidelines
- have a well-defined theoretical understanding to base clinical supervision practice
- identify the roles and responsibilities within a clinical supervision framework, including consideration of the ethical and legal parameters of clinical practice
- discuss prospective supervisor’s and supervisee’s knowledge and understanding of the supervisory process
- be able to identify the supervisee’s strengths and needs for supervision to establish a learning contract
- demonstrate and provide information on how to structure individual, peer and group supervision sessions
- explore and provide a framework on how to give feedback on clinical practice and case management
- learn how to deal with supervisees who present with crisis and stressful situations in practice as they arise in ctlinical practice
- identify and provide information on how to evaluate supervision sessions and maximise supervisee professional development
- develop skills to balance both administrative and clinical responsibilities.
Part 3: Assessment of Supervisor Competency Skills (2 April 2025) – Sydney
Each student will rotate through 3 three positions; Supervisor, Supervisee and Observer. Each position is to be completed over a 60-minute period.  All students are to bring real and relevant issues for supervision to the workshop.
Goals of competency evaluation:
- Demonstrate supervision skills and knowledge
- Provide an opportunity to reflect of what you have learnt and how you will put knowledge and skills in practice
- This is an assessment task to evaluate your ability to conduct a supervision session, provide effective feedback and use relevant tools facilitating a competency based reflective supervision session.
Presenter / Provider:
Sam Vasta BA, B Soc Studies, M Arts (Counselling)
Presenter Qualifications:
- CSS Admin
- Monday-Tuesday: 0479 148 929 Wednesday-Thursday: 0432 051 355
Start / End Date