
OPD Points: 10

Coaching parents and giving them practical strategies to support their children can be difficult if you don’t have access to the right resources. A Story About Jake and associated resources might just be an easy and effective toolkit to help your parent and child clients.

The training booklet takes you through A Story About Jake, develops your coaching language, and is followed by a few questions to check on your understanding and use of story and resources. The story and resources are included.

A Story About Jake is a simple story. It’s a story about the art of acknowledgement with a huge amount of patience thrown in. Specifically, the story describes the way in which a parent can support their child who is experiencing emotional overwhelm as the child struggles to complete an academic task. The process that explores a solution for this child might also apply to other areas of family life where supporting emotional processing and managing behaviour is required.

1 hour of independent reading, activities & online quiz.

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

This training aims to:

1. Allow you to reflect on the power and impact of simply acknowledging a child’s feelings without judgement.

2. Allow you to reflect on situations that you and parents have experienced, where acknowledgement has been powerful. To give you the language and resources to coach parents.

3. Allow you to reflect on how the materials might be able to be used or modified to suit your clients.

4. To explore 9 elements: Learning, Acknowledgement, Being Present, Using Few Words, Proximity, Check-in, Listening, Solutions, Reflection.


Presenter / Provider:

Robbie Spence

Presenter Qualifications:

BEd, MEd, MACA PACFA Reg. Clinical
Robbie is a clinical counsellor, educational specialist, and registered teacher who works in the field of guidance, counselling, supervision, and assessment. Clinical experience includes working with families, carers, parents, adults, children, teachers and other professionals around issues related to child-parent relationships, stress, burnout, anxiety, career development, ADHD, ASD, intellectual disability, learning difficulties, dyslexia, giftedness, childhood anxiety, school refusal and the impact of trauma on learning and development.


Registration Instructions:

1. Purchase and download the guide (pdf)

2. Read, reflect and complete the activities

3. Respond to assessment questions online

4. Receive your PD certificate via email


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