FREE WEBINAR - Holding Space Episode #17 Supervision as a Super Meeting of Visionaries
OPD Points: 5
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the webinar you will be able to:
Connect with other helping professional to share ideas and support
Hear how supervision can help examine role, soul and context.
Gain knowledge and access to resources and information
Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:
60-minute webinarDescription of practical applications, case review and practical activities 50 minsQ&A 10 mins
Presenter / Provider:
Dr John Lee
Presenter Qualifications:
John provides supervision for professionals in a range of contexts including education, not for profits, chaplaincy and pastoral ministry. His extensive training and professional affiliations includes: BA DipEd, Grad Dip RelStudies, MEd, EdD, Accredited Supervisor, Australasian Association of Supervision, Member of Transforming Practices. In addition to his supervisory practice, John also works as a consultant, teacher and spiritual director.  John is a husband, father and grandfather who works in a voluntary capacity with men.