
OPD Points: 5

Learning outcomesBy the end of the webinar you will be able to:Understand the range of disclosures of sexual abuse children can display to others. Experience art-based and embodied ways to build self-awareness in moment-to-moment interactions when being with another.Reflect on the nuances of responding to disclosures of sexual abuse.Consider optimal ways to build and maintain safe therapeutic spaces for children.Review strategies for self reflection and self care.Learn creative ways to help children and young people through the changes in their families. In this 3-hour workshop we will use art and play therapy methods to explore impacts of family separation on children and learn suitable tools to work creatively, safely and effectively with children. This course will offer a practical guide to the assessment of impacts of family separation on children and options for creative interventions.  You will also take away some ideas for working with parents, so that they can best support their children.

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

Training methods will include:Interactive presentationsLarge group discussionsPractical arts-based and embodied activities in pairsFocused reflection time

Presenter / Provider:

Bonita Mitting

Presenter Qualifications:

Bonita is a therapist who whole-heartedly believes in the power of creative arts therapies (art, music, movementand play therapy. In her 9 years of clinical practice, she has witnessed the power of creative arts and play therapies to allow children and young people to meaningfully express the unbearable, work through difficult experiences, and transform these to enhance their sense of self and life. Bonita has worked in a range of roles and settings, including specialist family violence services, Out of Home Care, and inclusive and trauma-responsive education. Bonita currently works as a children’s counsellor, part of a not-for-profit women’s family violence agency directly delivering services within a trauma-recovery program for children, young people and carers aged 0- 17 who have experienced different forms control and/ or violence and/ or abuse.


Start / End Date

Course Duration:

Course Hours:

5 hours


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