
OPD Points: 5

Professor Don Carveth offers a fascinating talk about the Oedipus complex, a central organizing complex in Freudian and much of psychoanalytic thought. This is a very valuable talk for practitioners who conduct psychotherapy, and wish to assist clients with struggles around relationships which are related to early oedipal experiences. 

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

Prof. Carveth describes Freud’s concept of the Oedipus complex, and goes on to address key debates that have arisen related to the Oedipus complex, including: Is the Oedipus complex universal, or culturally specific? Is it fundamentally about lust, or is it about narcissistic desires to be at the centre?  

Presenter / Provider:

Professor Donald Carveth

Presenter Qualifications:

Professor Donald Carveth is Emeritus Professor, sociology and social and political thought, at York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In addition, he is a training and supervising analyst at the Canadian Institute of psychoanalysis, and a Registered psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapists in Ontario.



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