
OPD Points: 5

This short course is designed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to identify and manage immediate suicide risks effectively and work with individuals to achieve safe outcomes.
Participants will learn to develop clear, actionable safety plans to address any immediate dangers to persons at risk or others, facilitate emergency medical help when needed, and link individuals with further support.
The training is applicable to those in formal helping roles across various community service contexts, accommodating interactions via face-to-face, telephone, or remote communication methods.

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

  1. Identify and Assess Suicide Risk: Recognise signs of suicidal ideation and effectively assess the risk to provide immediate support.
  2. Collaborate on Safety Measures: Establish a supportive, empathetic relationship with at-risk individuals to enhance their immediate safety.
  3. Develop and Implement Safety Plans: Create comprehensive safety plans that address potential dangers and outline emergency responses.
  4. Mobilise Emergency Services: Learn how to swiftly access emergency medical and psychological support in critical situations.
  5. Link to Further Support: Guide at-risk individuals towards ongoing support options and help them build robust coping strategies.
  6. Compliance and Ethics: Apply skills in accordance with all relevant legal and ethical guidelines to ensure responsible practice.

Presenter / Provider:

Jorge Rebolledo

Presenter Qualifications:

BTh., GradDipMin., MTh., MEd., GradDipStratLead., GradCert EduMangt, GradCertUniLead&Mangt, DipCounselling, DipClinHyp&StratPsych., DipLead&Mangt, DipTAE, DipLearn&Design, CIV Mental Health.
20 plus years of experience



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