Introduction to Art Therapy: Practical Methods for Adolescents and Adults
OPD Points: 10
Learn how to use art therapy methods with clients of all ages. You will have the opportunity to:Explore a range of art materials and methods for therapy useIdentify art therapy theory Consider the evidence for effectivenessPractise counselling skills using art exercisesEngage in experiential activitiesReview ethical practice considerationsConsider practical ways to build an art supply kit
Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:
Day OneReview of history, methods, evidence for art therapyPerson-centered counselling skills practiseArt Therapy principles and techniquesDemonstration of art therapyArt therapy practiceDay TwoArt therapy exercisesCase study reviewReview of materials suitable for art therapyCautions and limitsApplications
Presenter / Provider:
Jacki Short
Presenter Qualifications:
Jacki Short is the Owner and Director of Sydney Centre for Creative Change. She has over twenty five years of clinical experience with children, young people and adults. Jacki has a passion for play therapy and has been training in this modality for over 15 years.As an experienced and Masters qualified adult educator, Jacki has trained thousands of students and course participants in Australia and internationally and remains committed to the safe and expressive growth of all those with whom she works. She gives you practical, evidence-based techniques to help the children you work with talk about their lives more easily, feel better understood and find solutions that are right for them.
Start / End Date
July 22, 2024
July 23, 2024
Course Duration:
Course Hours:
10 hours