
OPD Points: 5

At FABIC we understand the integral role that school counsellors and teachers play in supporting children and young adults to develop the skills to engage in life and thus – we are here to support you.ABOUT USFABIC Behaviour Education Services for teachers and school staff are offered throughout the school year either on-site at your school,through our FEL training centre at Robina or Online (worldwide).Behaviour Education Services at FABIC cover topics such as Mental Wellness for Teachers (10- week course), Body Life Skills Program for Teachers (8-week course), Understanding and Responding to Student Behaviour (1-day workshop), Classroom Management and Supporting Behaviour through Skills Building (10-week course), Graduate Teacher Mentoring, Coaching and Support Group, Monthly Teacher Workshops and One-on-one Support Sessions for Teachers.We also offer support via a wide array of workshops and one-on-one sessions for Families and students outside school hours.

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

19 June 2024 – 5:30pm-7:00pm AEST (QLD Time)   

Presenter / Provider:

Tanya Curtis

Presenter Qualifications:

Tanya Curtis comes with a wealth of clinical experience, academic qualifications and innate wisdom in the fields of Behaviour Change, Mental Health, Disability and Education.As a Behaviour Specialist, Tanya Curtis has been working in understanding and changing behaviour since 2002. With a Masters of Behaviour Management; Masters of Counselling; Bachelor of Health Science (Behaviour Management); Associate Diploma of Education, Tanya is the founding & managing Director of FABIC Behaviour Specialist Centre; Senior Behaviour Specialist; Counsellor; Professional Supervisor; NDIS Behaviour Support Practitioner; national and international presenter on Behaviour Specialist topics; mentor for psychologists, professionals, schools and organisations working with unwanted behaviour, author of The Body Life Skills Program book series; and developer of a wide range of resources to support lasting behaviour change for all people.


Car Parking:
Disabled Parking:

Start / End Date

Course Duration:

Course Hours:

2 hours


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