
OPD Points: 4

Join us for an all-day workshop on February 24th, 2025 at The Treacy Centre, Parkville Start your year with a new framework to shape your practice. As our understanding of the brain and nervous system advances, the fields of neuroplasticity and Polyvagal Theory emerge as crucial for grasping the neurophysiological underpinnings of psychology and behaviour. The science of neuroplasticity and the Polyvagal Theory are intertwined as they explain our underlying neural platforms for attachment, regulation, relationships, and adaptability to learn and thrive as a human. This is an exciting time to learn about how discoveries in neuroplasticity can be utilized to improve function and client outcomes. Learn the science behind Neuroplasticity and the Polyvagal Theory including strategies and interventions to maximize neural adaptability for your clients.  This workshop includes the opportunity to learn about various neuro-based technological tools with hands-on experience: – Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), HRV biofeedback, iLs [Focus] System, Neurofeedback, Dreampad and BrainHQ   The Safe and Sound Protocol, developed by Dr Porges is an extension of his Polyvagal Theory. The SSP is an acoustic vagal nerve stimulation therapy. During this workshop, you will have the opportunity to experience the Polyvagal Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP).  Early Bird price: 10 % discount until January 15th, 2025. Use Discount Code: PVIA during check-out.

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

Learning Objectives Understand the key organizing principles of the Polyvagal Theory and its application to clinical practice in mental health- Neuroception; Hierarchy of the ANS; Social Engagement System, and Co-Regulation. Learn the science of neuroplasticity and how to improve neural networks for optimal mental health Understand how subcortical structures support higher cortical functions- the connection with body-based regulation strategies Learn the neurobiology of safety within the framework of Polyvagal Theory and its implications for mental health Understand the defence cascade (fight, flight, freeze) and its implications in therapy and relationship with comorbid health conditions Understand defensive bias. Understand the relationship of the Autonomic Nervous System and state regulation. Understand neuroplasticity-based and polyvagal-informed regulation strategies. Learn about the ear-to-brain connection and the impact of auditory sensitivity on mental health Learn about neurotechnology tools that help drive neuroplasticity. Attendees will learn about the science of Neuroplasticity and Polyvagal Theory and their application in mental health. Attendees will learn practical strategies based on Polyvagal Theory to improve state regulation that can be implemented immediately. Attendees will learn about neuroplasticity-based neurotechnology tools such as Neurofeedback, HRV biofeedback, and the Polyvagal Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), and their role in mental health. 

Presenter / Provider:

Joanne McIntyre

Presenter Qualifications:

OT, MS (Psychology)
Joanne McIntyre is the Clinical Director at Integrated Listening Australia and Executive Director at Polyvagal Australia and New Zealand. She is an Occupational Therapist with over 30 years of clinical experience. She completed a Master of Science majoring in Psychology (University of Southern California) while residing in the USA for 23 years and was accepted at LaTrobe University School of Psychology for PhD studies. Joanne presented the Power of Neuroplasticity workshop on 7 occasions for OTA in 2018/19. Presented The Neurobiology of Safety in Autism for OTA. Presented a series of webinars for APS about Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory in 2021 and was asked to present further about Polyvagal Theory in 2022. Presented 2 webinars; The Defense Cascaid and Polyvagal Theory in Stress/Trauma and Understanding Cardiovagal Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback in Mental Health within a Polyvagal Framework. In 2018, presented in collaboration with the  Australian Childhood Foundation workshops about Polyvagal Theory and research about the Safe and Sound Protocol applied to working with traumatized children Joanne provides education in Polyvagal Theory and is the Endorsed Trainer/Support for Australia & New Zealand for Porges’ evidence-based acoustic vagal nerve stimulation therapy; The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP). Joanne completed Board Certification in Neurofeedback; HRV Biofeedback; SIPT cert; iLs and SSP trainer, EMDR trained, and host of the Safe and Sound Protocol Podcast: A Polyvagal Informed Therapy


Car Parking:
Disabled Parking:
Meals Included:

Start / End Date




Course Duration:

1 day(s)

Course Hours:

7 hours

Registration Instructions:

Early Bird price: 10 % discount until January 15th, 2025. Use Discount Code: polyvagal during check-out. Please indicate dietary preference. Contact John at info@integratedlistening for group discounts or questions.



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