
OPD Points: 10

PREPARE/ENRICH Facilitator Training This course is delivered via ZOOM. Thursday 27th June, 2024Does your work include couples counselling?PREPARE/ENRICH is a relationship education and counselling tool used by counsellors, psychologists, clergy, social workers and other professionals who work with couples. An online inventory is completed by both individuals in which they each respond to questions and statements about various aspects of their relationship. Using a systemic approach, PREPARE/ENRICH seeks to give the couple, and the professional working with them, an understanding of where the strength and growth areas are in their relationship by exploring the many influences on them as a couple. These include family of origin, personality, financial management, leisure activities, family & friends, spiritual beliefs, sex and intimacy, in addition to the interpersonal areas such as communication and conflict resolution. PREPARE/ENRICH is suitable for any couple due to its ability to customise to the unique relationship of each couple. PREPARE/ENRICH is a very well respected program which is evidence based and has been used Australia since 1980.

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

This day primarily takes the participants through the fundamentals of the PREPARE/ENRICH program and how the reports produced are understood. Topics included are:AM session·        Overview of the PREPARE/ENRICH program·        Online Administration Procedures·        Facilitators Report – Let’s take a look·        Couple Typology & Strength/Growth Areas and role play·        Satisfaction, Distortion, Relationship DynamicsPM Session·        Commitment, Abuse, Stress·        Standard Report Pages·        Couple & Family Maps·        SCOPE Personality ScalesWe then do an overview of how faciltiators can structure their work using PREPARE/ENRICH. The trainer also introduces the Parenting Version and Group Edition of the program. 

Presenter / Provider:

Mandi Smith

Presenter Qualifications:

Mandi Smith is former Director of PREPARE/ENRICH here in Australia. Mandi's experience includes over 15 years experience in relationship education and counselling. Mandi has trained and presented PREPARE/ENRICH for 11 years. Her work focuses on helping couples grow in their relationships and overcoming negative patterns by learning healthier ways of relating. Mandi also enjoys facilitating groupwork in CBT.Mandi is a Level 4 member of ACA and a member of the College of Supervisors


Start / End Date

Course Duration:

Course Hours:

8 hours


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