
OPD Points: 10

Research shows, 75% of people with vulvas have experienced painful sex in their lifetime. It’s time we talk about sexual pain where it matters most; with health professionals. Those who endure pain often invest countless hours, huge amounts of money and energy before they find answers and get the support they need. It’s an exhausting process, and many simply give up. This doesn’t have to be the case, many of these people can be helped if they: + Receive useful information about their bodies + Feel understood and believed when they mention pain + Can find the right practitioners to support them In her almost 20 years of practice as a clinical and somatic sexologist, Tanya has seen many people presenting with sexual pain. Like many other clinicians in this area, Tanya is dismayed to find that people with vulvas have been dealing with pain for a long time before they find someone who will believe and support them in resolving the pain. This common experience could be empathically and efficiently addressed if more folks understood and knew how to work with vulvar and vaginal or penis sexual pain. Whether it is listening to those who are suffering pain, referring them to the right practitioners or offering effective treatment solutions – this is a topic we need to talk about. Tanya has also learned from her clients and teachers that dealing with pain requires working with the emotions, relationships, trauma, anatomy and peoples attitudes towards sex. It’s a many faceted problem and requires us to draw in many different sources of information. With limited research on sexual pain and minimal specialised training, many physicians feel they don’t have the knowledge, resources or experience to support clients in need. Tanya has designed this workshop for counselors, sex therapists, sexual health practitioners, body workers, allied health professionals and anyone who talks to clients about sexual and emotional health. One-month online course, starting 29th June to 26th July, 2022, on Thursdays 10am – 12pm SYD, AUS time online. THIS COURSE COVERS: + Societal constructs of sex and gender in relationships + The physiology of pleasure – vulva/vaginal arousal systems, things that most people don’t know + A discussion on sexual desire + How desire, pain, relationships and daily life are all intertwined + Medical reasons for sexual pain
  • vaginismus
  • dyspareunia
  • endometriosis
  • after birth scarring
  • and more
+ Psychological reasons for sexual pain
  • attitudes about sex
  • relationship issues
  • societal constructs
  • Treatment ideas for sexual pain
+ Consent, safety and pleasure + Working with Vulvas + Working with Penises + Communicating with lovers & partners + Fear/pain cycle

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

LEARNING OUTCOMES: + Context for sexual pain + Why safety is important + Working with clients to set up safety + Interventions for working with pain and intimacy 

Presenter / Provider:

Tanya Koens

Presenter Qualifications:

Tanya’s events are lively, informative, practical and fun, making her a sought-after presenter.  Tanya offers workshops for everyone on consent, communication, embodiment and sexuality.  She also runs fun workshops on sensual and intimate connection. You can find her at sexuality workshops and festivals or putting her own events. This is a rare opportunity to learn from Tanya’s almost 20 years clinical experience. Tanya has extensive clinical experience and has engaged in diverse and cutting edge professional development with some of the worlds leading sex educators. This cumulative knowledge and experience is woven into simple practical interventions. Tanya will give you the language and skills to support your clients navigate their sexuality, pleasure, intimacy, communication and relationships. Tanya is also a supervisor for counselors and sexologists.



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