
OPD Points: 10

Supervision training is made of three Elements of training.

Training Outline: The aim of this course model STEPPING UP is to provide a framework for conducting and evaluating effective clinical supervision using a competency-based framework incorporating reflective practice. Participants will develop the skills to enhance supervisee learning and skill development, considering the systemic issues of their workplace/team and client group.

That will enable the graduate to:

  • Define the role of a Clinical Supervisor.
  • Identify the goals of supervision.
  • Describe the supervisory relationship.
  • Demonstrate the skills required for conducting diverse supervision interventions.
  • Provide effective evaluation. Have knowledge of the different models of supervision.
  • Present effectual feedback to supervisees.
  • Successfully undertake a variety of supervisor administration tasks.
  • Address the ethical and legal considerations of supervision.
  • Understand Best Practice in Supervision.
  • Many other aspects of supervision boundaries
  • Ethics in supervision.
  • Skills to structure supervision sessions.
  • Facilitate the supervisee to present information about his/her clinical work.
  • To facilitate the supervisee to reflect on his/her work and on the process of supervision to help the supervisee practice specific clinical skills.
  • Conduct supervision across a variety of formats such as direct observation and web-based technologies.
  • Enable to conduct supervision across the variety of client presentations such as individuals, couples, family, and group.
  • Ability to adapt supervision to the organisational and governance context.
  • Ability to form and maintain a supervisory alliance
  • Ability to detect and support personal and professional issues which could impact on the supervisee’s capacities.
  • Ability to profile personalities.

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

Pre-course Training: As part of their pre-course study, each student will read the academic text The Practice of Clinical and Counselling Supervision”, 2017 Pelling and Armstrong. This text lays the foundation for the three-day workshop. Students will be required to complete a minimum 500-word summary relating to the contents of the textbook, plus, answer 20 questions relating to the book. This provides each student with a broad theoretical understanding of the different settings and theories of Supervision.

It is recommended that students allocate a minimum of 90 hours to read the text and answer the questionnaire. plus, online video and 20 question relating to the video.

Participants will receive 2 manuals on day 1 of their 3 -day workshop.

Pre-course study: Reading of the textbook plus completing a questionnaire of 20 questions (minimun 90% pass Mark) based on the content of the textbook. Plus, a 500- word reflective essay on the text, plus an online video & questions.

Presenter / Provider:

Presenter Qualifications:

Lyndall Briggs  is a honorary member of Australian Counselling Association since 2002, she is a registered supervisor with ACA & ASCH. Lyndall is a clinical Hypnotherapist and a qualified Virtual Reality Therapist.
Lyndall has been a practicing clinician for over 30 years and is a member of ACA College of supervisors. Lyndall is the President of ASCH and plays a leading  role in organising and delivering webinars to ASCH members . her experience with supervision training is that she developed and delivered supervision training workshop for Hypnotherapists in 2010, then she become a linked trainer for Optimise Potential delivering the Rise UP model before join supervision training Services in 2022 as the Nsw Consultant delivering the Stepping Up Model of Supervision.


Start / End Date




Course Duration:

Course Hours:

10 hours

Registration Instructions:

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