
OPD Points: 10

Supervision training is made of three Elements of training. Training Outline: The aim of this course model STEPPING UP is to provide a framework for conducting and evaluating effective clinical supervision using a competency-based framework incorporating reflective practice. Participants will develop the skills to enhance supervisee learning and skill development, considering the systemic issues of their workplace/team and client group. That will enable the graduate to: Define the role of a Clinical Supervisor. Identify the goals of supervision. Describe the supervisory relationship. Demonstrate the skills required for conducting diverse supervision interventions. Provide effective evaluation. Have knowledge of the different models of supervision. Present effectual feedback to supervisees. Successfully undertake a variety of supervisor administration tasks. Address the ethical and legal considerations of supervision. Understand Best Practice in Supervision. Many other aspects of supervision boundaries Ethics in supervision. Skills to structure supervision sessions. Facilitate the supervisee to present information about his/her clinical work. To facilitate the supervisee to reflect on his/her work and on the process of supervision to help the supervisee practice specific clinical skills. Conduct supervision across a variety of formats such as direct observation and web-based technologies. Enable to conduct supervision across the variety of client presentations such as individuals, couples, family, and group. Ability to adapt supervision to the organisational and governance context. Ability to form and maintain a supervisory alliance Ability to detect and support personal and professional issues which could impact on the supervisee’s capacities. Ability to profile personalities.

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

Pre-course Training: As part of their pre-course study, each student will read the latest academic text The Practice of Clinical and Counselling Supervision”, 2025 Third Edition by Pelling and Armstrong. This text lays the foundation for the three-day workshop. Students will be required to complete a minimum 500-word summary relating to the contents of the textbook, plus, answer 20 questions relating to the book. This provides each student with a broad theoretical understanding of the different settings and theories of Supervision. It is recommended that students allocate a minimum of 90 hours to read the text and answer the questionnaire. plus, online video’s and questions relating to the video.  Participants will receive 2 manuals on day 1 of their 3 -day workshop. Pre-course study: Reading of the textbook plus completing a questionnaire of 20 questions (minimun 90% pass Mark) based on the content of the textbook. Plus, a 500- word reflective essay on the text, plus an online video & questions.


Presenter / Provider:

Barbara Matheson

Presenter Qualifications:

Barbara Matheson  is a honorary member of Australian Counselling Association and a Fellow of Counsellors Victoria, she is a registered supervisor with ACA , AAPI, ACSA. and a recognised training provider with IICT.
Barbara has been delivering Supervision Training  for over 10 years previously before developing the stepping Up model, Barbara was facillating  under licence for Mr Phil Armstrong of Optimise Potential  the Rise Up Model her license covered delivering  training in Victoria, Adelaide and Hobart.  In 2019 she  designed of the Holistic Stepping Up model of supervision that is delivered by consultants in all states of Australia.


Start / End Date




Course Duration:

3 day(s)

Course Hours:

24 hours

Registration Instructions: We will come to your organisation for a group of 6  


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