
OPD Points: 10

The Transformation Journey has been designed for therapists to offer them Guided Drawing® intervention tools that are body-focused, trauma-informed and primarily non-verbal.This course teaches how as a therapist you can can observe your clients' bilateral movements on paper and support their therapeutic process through skilled interventions. Suggesting the drawing of certain shapes in rhythmic repetition allows clients to practice how it feels to do things differently, how they can safely express pent-up emotions, integrate lost aspects of their soul or strengthen a resolve without engaging in the narrative of what happened. Cognitive interpretations or insights are not the focus. Instead belief systems become updated – based on the bottom-up discovery of a renewed implicit identity.

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

Each week explores an aspect of the Transformation Journey and there are experiential exercises combined with lectures within the webinars.The training discusses two core client groups. There are those who need to strengthen their ego, become more aware of their behavioural action patterns, have to learn how to express emotions without getting overwhelmed by them and move out of chaotic life experiences into more structured ones. The other client group tends to be overly cognitive, often suffocatingly structured and disciplined, dissociated from feelings, or disconnected from the body and its vital life impulse. The need of this latter group is to become more connected, find an inner flow and discover healing and wholeness. 

Presenter / Provider:

Cornelia Elbrecht

Presenter Qualifications:

Cornelia Elbrecht is a leader in ground-breaking art therapy techniques with a particular focus on healing trauma. An art therapist with over 40 years of experience she is a renowned author, educator and the Founder and Director of the Institute for Sensorimotor Art Therapy. Cornelia studied at the Schoolfor Initiatic Therapy in the Black Forest, Germany and holds degrees in fine arts and arts education along with extensive postgraduate training in Jungian and Gestalt Therapy, Bioenergetics and at the Somatic Experiencing TrainingInstitute (SETI). Best known for her cutting-edge work with Guided Drawing and Clay Field Therapy, Cornelia holds regular workshops around the world and at Claerwen Retreat in Apollo Bay, Australia – an internationally respected arts therapy education facility. Author of numerous books, Cornelia runsaccredited online courses for art therapists, educators and mental health professionals looking to understand a body focused art therapy approach to trauma therapy.



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