Treating PTSD (Day 1-2) with Dr Leah Giarratano self-paced online with three months access commencing November 2023
OPD Points: 10
This international online program is also available via two day livestream and live in person in Auckland and Sydney in 2023 when you register for the full 4 Day program. Please refer to for all offerings. See our 2024 flyerThis two-day self paced training presents a highly practical and interactive workshop (case-based) for treating traumatised patients; the content is applicable to both adult and adolescent populations. Techniques are largely cognitive behavioural; they are best-practice, evidence-based, and will be immediately useful and effective for your clinical practice.The program includes comprehensive handouts and numerous case examples. The emphasis is upon imparting practical skills and up-to-date research in this area. This program is intended for all mental health professionals.Please note that this is not simply a recording of a past live event. This is an education package specifically designed and produced to be worked through online, presented throughout by Dr Leah Giarratano, incorporating lectures, real cases, learning quizzes and structured practical exercises to complete in your own time over three months. Your fee also includes access to a livestream of your program in November 2023 or March 2024.
Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:
Day one topics include:What is PTSD? (diagnosis, epidemiology, comorbidity, spectrum of the disorder)Treatment maps and planning strategiesPsychoeducation and motivation tipsAnalysing and targeting dysfunctional behaviours (e.g., substance abuse, self-harm)Arousal reduction strategies (including breathing retraining, grounding and distraction tasks)An introduction to anger managementSelf care for cliniciansDay Two topics include:Invivo exposure therapy (reducing avoidance behaviours)The fundamentals of exposure therapy for traumatic memories (prolonged imaginal exposureCognitive challenging of negative self-statements related to the traumatic eventContraindications and complex case issues
Presenter / Provider:
Dr Leah Giarratano
Presenter Qualifications:
Leah Giarratano is a doctoral level clinical psychologist who has developed an expertise in the assessment and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She has been presenting training programs in Australia since 1996 and in New Zealand since 2000. Leah is the author of seven books covering the assessment and treatment of psychological trauma and in the application of CBT.Her text 'Clinical Skills for Managing PTSD: Proven Practical Techniques for Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder' was revised in 2018 is available at