By the end of the workshop, participants will learn:Define what is meant by the Dark Triad and the Dark Tetrad.Understand and identify key traits relating to the various personality typeswithin these models.Understand the core Control Strategies each of these personality types use.How to identify and respond more appropriately to the personality types within the Dark Triad and the Dark Tetrad.Common traps we fall into when working with these personality types.How to help and assist those in a relationship (work or life) with a person exhibiting Dark Triad traits.
Understanding the Dark Triad of Personality in Life, Work and Relationships
OPD Points: 5
Many are intrigued, puzzled and often damaged by individuals who display personality traits within what is known as the Dark Triad. Even more potentially damaging and challenging are those within the model known as the Dark Tetrad. These models first came to the fore in the early 2000’s but have drawn considerable attention in the past ten years. Understanding more about the personalities within these models can help protect people from the control and manipulation these personalities easily exert.This workshop explores what these personality types are, how they operate, and how we can manage them in life, work and relationships. We will look at, and try to understand these personality types and to consider the best management and engagement strategies as well as how to work with certain core control strategies they will often use which can derail your interactions with them.
Presenter / Provider:
Presenter Qualifications:
- Kerry Lawrence
- +44 7776541510