ACA Members eligible for Grant and Scholarship with Rural Workforce Agency Victoria

arial view of rural Victorian town

ACA Members eligible for Grant and Scholarship with Rural Workforce Agency Victoria

As part of our commitment to support our regional rural and remote workforce, I am delighted to share some truly exciting news with you all. The Rural Workforce Agency Victoria (RWAV) has announced two grant and scholarship opportunities for ACA Members who are working in rural Victorian private primary care settings. This marks a significant milestone, being the first year ACA Members are eligible!

RWAV is a not-for-profit, government-funded organisation improving healthcare across rural and regional Victoria and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Allied Health New Service Grant

RWAV’s Rural Allied Health New Service Grant offers up to $10,000 for eligible private or non-state-funded community allied health organisations or sole traders providing primary care in rural Victoria (specifically for MMM3-7 practitioners) to expand existing or establish new allied health services.

Grants can be used for:

  • Clinical equipment
    Assessment resources
    Marketing and promotional material
    Technology such as laptops and tablets

The purpose of the Allied Health New Service Grant is to:

  • Enable health services and allied health practitioners to access funding to establish or expand allied health services in rural and regional Victoria
  • Support increased access to allied health services in MMM 3-7

Grant applications open on 18 March 2024 and close on 18 April 2024. Confirm your eligibility for this grant via the RWAV website and join RWAV’s online information session on 27 March 2024. Apply through the MyRWAV portal.

Any questions relating to the Allied Health New Service Grant should be directed to the Contracts Officer at or via phone on 03 9349 7800.

Health Workforce Scholarship Program

I am also pleased to let you know about the Health Workforce Scholarship Program, which provides funding of up to $10,000 per eligible health professional working in an eligible private practice in MMM3-7 locations. Funding is available for upskilling opportunities such as professional development, training, short courses and conferences, that will also benefit rural communities.

Applications may only be made within 3 months of the start date of the activity. Apply through the MyRWAV portal.

Any questions relating to the HWSP in Victoria should be directed to the Grants Administrator at or via phone on 03 9349 7800.

Interest in these opportunities is high, so don’t miss out. Apply through the MyRWAV portal.

Kind regards,
Jodie McKenzie
Chief Executive Officer
Australian Counselling Association

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