Registered Supervisor
Elisa Agostinelli
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Dr. Elisa Agostinelli studied and trained as a Clinical Psychologist & Family Therapist in Rome and then obtained her Ph.D. in Counselling and Mental Health in the US. Elisa has lectured and supervised counsellors in Australia and America. Elisa worked as a counsellor in the palliative care sector for eight and a half years before transferring her skill base to supporting children and their families who have experienced trauma as a consequence of abuse and neglect. In the past few years, she has acquired extensive experience in working with families affected by DFV. Recently, she has joined the University of Southern Queensland team as a lecturer in counselling. She has extensive counselling experience with individual, families, couple and children in palliative care, terminal illness, and bereavement, trauma and foster care system. She had also worked in sexual abuse and separation. Her passion is working with children. In her private practice, she works with children with adjustment and behavioral issues, anger, anxiety and depression. She has extensive experience in working with grief, loss and trauma related to family separation. Elisa supports both the educational and developmental needs of children, facilitating individual and/or group therapy treatment plans for these children. As a mother, she is very aware of the importance of allowing children to feel comfortable and relaxed during the counselling session. She focuses on allowing the children in their unique ways to maximize the therapeutic outcome and supports them in developing their individual personal resources and strengths.In her role as educator, she is passionate about educating the next generations of counselors and offering professional supervision, exploring personal and professional growth of counsellor's skills and reflective practice.
• Master equivalent in Family therapy member AAFTAAFT
• Ph. D. Counselling And Mental Health
• Honour in Clinical Psychology APS 4 years equivalent
• Sullivan B. & Agostinelli, E. (2012). Facing our mortality. Grief In J Barletta & J Bond. The Home Therapist: (p.201-211). Bowen Hills QLD: Australian Academic Press
• Agostinelli, E. & Sullivan B. (2012). Children’s Grief In J Barletta & J Bond. The Home Therapist: (p.201-211). Bowen Hills QLD: Australian Academic Press
• Pelling, N. & Agostinelli, E. (2009) Supervisor Development. In N. Pelling, J Barletta. P. Armstrong. The Practice of Clinical Supervision (p.201-211). Bowen Hills QLD: Australian Academic Press
• Agostinelli, E. (2008) Support children and adolescents who are grieving. CanTeen magazine.
• Sullivan, B. F. & Agostinelli, E. (2007) Personal Growth and Development: A professional obligation. In B. F. Sullivan (2007), Counsellor and Counselling: a New Conversation. Australia: Pearson ed.
• Sullivan, B. F. & Agostinelli, E. (2006) Personal Growth and Personal Development. In N. Pelling, R. Bowers, P. Armstrong (Eds.), The practice of counselling (pp. 76-100). Australia: Thomson.
• Sullivan, B. F. & Agostinelli, E. (2002) The importance of being marginalized. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy 23 (2), pp.108 – 110.
• ACA – College of Supervisors – COS Registered Supervisor
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