The science of the who, what, where, when, why and how of every FABIC poster is discussed, supporting successful implementation in a person’s natural settings and thus maximising opportunities for LASTING behaviour change.Each one of the 53 FABIC posters is a standalone behavioural intervention. It may look like a simple two-dimensional poster, but in reality it comes with a science founded on the FABIC principles of understanding and bringing LASTING behaviour change. To integrate them successfully it is important to understand the science.To support the successful use and integration of these posters in a person’s natural setting/s – their intended use – a client and/or their support team require an understanding of why and how to implement the posters, daily and practically.And this requires an explanation of the science and practicalities that support successful behaviour change strategies via the introduction of the FABIC Posters.We have put together 34 online meetings to cover every single poster that is part of the FABIC Poster Collection.
Rules and pictures -FABIC Poster Collection Discussion Groups – Session 14
OPD Points: 5
Each meeting Tanya will present one or more posters and the science and steps for their practical and effective application, so that attendees can support the integration in a natural setting and offer understanding and behaviour change. Participants can askquestions and offer sharings about each poster.Each session will be recorded and made available to attendees as well as be available for purchase.Note: While it is not essential for attendees to have a hard copy of the posters, it is recommended for maximisation. Posters can be purchased individually or as a complete collection at
In the BODY LIFE SKILLS PROGRAM we use the word ‘picture’ to describe the images weconjure as to how we anticipate life is going to be. We are all every day creating images of theway we think life should/needs to be. At FABIC we refer to these pictures as our:• Shoulds• Wants• Needs• Expectations• AttachmentsWe create pictures about:• How we need a setting to be• How we expect an interaction between us and other people will play out• How we think a task should be completed and whether we should be exposed to thattask in the first place• How we want or expect our automatic/internal response to be in certain aspects of lifeThe list of examples of pictures is endless and we are all creating pictures of how we expect lifewill or should be.Smashed pictures can initially be a trigger for the body to go higher than code blue. A smashedpicture is a life lesson that has been presented and is on repeat until the person is ready to seeand learn from the lesson they are reacting to by going higher than code blue.The process of using this chart is to:1. Identify as soon as the body goes higher than code blue2. Ask: I wonder what my smashed picture is?3. Ask: I wonder what my picture is?4. Ask: I wonder why I even have this picture? … ahhh …5. Ask: What rule have I subscribed to that feeds this picture?Rules are our subscriptions and often we don’t even know we have them. Rules come aboutfrom our ideals, beliefs, culture, society, religion and more. Key is: these rules are what we havesubscribed to – rules feed our pictures.Most, if not all of us react to our smashed pictures; however, rather than trying to controland make our pictures happen, we can explore them and ask whether these subscriptions aresupporting or hindering our expansion.
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