Introduction to ACA's Advocacy Role
ACA is committed to raising awareness, promoting understanding, increasing opportunities, and ensuring the vital role of counselling and psychotherapy is recognised.
We actively engage in advocacy efforts directed towards governmental bodies, stakeholders, and communities, emphasising the role that our Registered Counsellors and Psychotherapists play in improving mental health outcomes.
Our Relationships
- Government Bodies
- Professional Associations
- Healthcare Organisations
- Educational Institutions
- National & Local Community Groups
- Research Institutions
Recent Submissions
- ADHD Senate Inquiry
- Response to NDIS Pricing Review
- Response to the Draft National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy
Read Our Latest Submissions & Research
Submission to the ADHD Senate Inquiry
Friday, 9th June 2023
ACA submitted a response to the Senate Inquiry on “Barriers to consistent, timely, and best practice assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and support services.” ACA outlined the role of Registered Counsellors as an under-utilised, qualified workforce to address the increasing demand for mental health services, specifically for ADHD. The submission presented standards, including education and supervised practice, and emphasised the need for government action to include Registered Counsellors as Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) providers. The ACA stressed the importance of addressing workforce shortages and improving accessibility and affordability within the ADHD community.
Response to the NDIS Annual Pricing Review 2023
Wednesday 12th April, 2023
Response to the Draft National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy
Wednesday, 1st February 2023
ACA provided feedback to strengthen the Draft National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy and its proposed actions. Our feedback was supportive of the initiative to address stigma and discrimination associated with mental health in Australia and in agreeance with the four priorities around which the actions are developed. We supported the vision that the National Mental Health Commission are working to achieve with the Lived Experience workforce, however, advocated for relevant and appropriate mechanism be put in place to protect those working in the field and those who are receiving support.