
OPD Points: 5

Learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment of this misunderstood, often missed presentation from a professional with lived experience.

Key Learning Objectives / Outcomes:

While Complex-PTSD as a presentation is widespread, there is no corresponding DSM-5 Complex-PTSD classification and most clinicians are not trained to recognise or treat it. As a result, Complex-PTSD survivors are generally not diagnosed at all or misdiagnosed with the symptoms of their condition (depression, anxiety, substance or process addictions, relationship problems, eating disorders, personality disorders etc.). The outcome is unnecessary suffering and opportunity for healing lost as Complex-PTSD survivors can spend a lifetime treating surface symptoms with the underpinning aetiology left unaddressed. Even when Complex-PTSD is identified, treatment is often inappropriate, leading at best to minimal progress and at worst to further traumatisation.The aim of this interactive webinar, based on research and the facilitator’s clinical and personal experience of recovery, is to unpack and differentiate the relational trauma of Complex-PTSD from single-event trauma (i.e. PTSD) and help clinicians to understand its unique aetiology, manifestations and appropriate treatment so that their clients’ recovery is supported.

Presenter / Provider:

Michael Jerabek

Presenter Qualifications:

Michael is a member of Psychotherapists and Counsellors Federation of Australia, and his qualifications include Master of Adult Education (HR Development), Master of Ethics and Legal Studies (Managing Change) and Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy. He has completed training in Gestalt and Psychodynamic counselling skills, among others.
Michael is an addiction, trauma and interpersonal process group therapist working for St. John of God Counselling and Therapy Centre and Northside Clinic outpatient programs; as well as a clinical educator teaching trauma-informed care, group leadership skills and counselling skills at diploma, bachelor and master levels. Michael is a childhood trauma survivor and a recovering co-dependent who has completed extensive course of his own 1:1 and group psychotherapy. He is a member of the Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families 12-step fellowship and has a deep commitment to raising awareness of, and facilitating recovery from, Complex-PTSD. Michael has 30 years of Complex-PTSD recovery experience, which has included various wrong-turns as well as breakthroughs, and is uniquely placed to speak on the topic of Complex-PTSD.


Start / End Date

Course Duration:

Course Hours:

3 hours


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